I can't believe that it has been 1 1/2 months since I have placed an update. Life has been a rocky road the past month or so. I am still working for the IRS and strongly dislike talking to people who are going through severe financial harship day in and day out, but at least I am a friendly understanding voice on the end of the line.
Tom has recently starting working as the Lab Manager at the Southwest Plaza Lenscrafters, which is only 5 minutes away from home. So no more waiting 45 minutes for him to get home from work. Last week he went back to Michigan for a 1 1/2 day blitz packing session from our Saugatuck house. He did a great job, but probably 50% of what he brought back went in the trash because we just don't have the space we used to in our new apartment.
Addison is doing fantastic. She loves her new room with her Dora the Explorer tent and her stuff lion floor rug. So much room for her to play. Yesterday, Addie and I went to the playground that is onsite and the slides (or wees as she calls them) are a perfect size for her. She seems to be adjusting well to the move. She sees my mom and dad everyday because my mom picks her up from daycare and when she gets home she says YEAH!!!!
Tucker has yet to make the move over, but should be joining us this weekend. He is a short haired dog, but he got a shave this weekend. Who knew that my brindle colored dog has white spots when shaved. Tom isn't quite sure about his new "do", but I say anything that can reduce the dog hair is fine by me.
Gotta run! Addie is a little bit sick and is needing some attention.
6 days ago