Monday, September 1, 2008

Democratic National Convention

Oh boy, what a week it was :-) Working downtown, I had the unique experience of participating in EVERYDAY of DNC 2008. It wasn't nearly as crowded as I thought it was going to be, but I saw plenty of exciting stuff. NO CELEBRITIES...just their blacked out vehicles and the HUMONGOUS crowds that gathered outside restaurants where they were eatting (you should have seen the crowd for J LO and Oprah eating at Earl's).

Everyday I went out on break and lunches to walk around and check out the sites. The thing that I was most suprised by was the amount of security there was. Secret service, FBI, CIA, police, and Swat team were EVERYWHERE. Military helicopters were constantly buzzing the buildings. It was great!
Although I didn't see anyone important, I was truly excited to be part of such a monumental week in history...we could be on the road to our first African-American president and a much needed change. GO OBAMA!!!

Protestors--you can probably get the jist of what they are protesting from the signs

Swat Team Members

1 comment:

Keely said...

Yeah for blogging!!! I so glad you joined the bandwagon. Check out my latest blog - it is about the DNC as well. Go Obama!!!